Saturday, November 30, 2019

Kaylyn Grzadzieleski

Kaylyn Grzadzieleski traveled from the Midwest part of the country to Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania. She left her hometown of Bismarck, North Dakota, an area of the country that is famous for their snow storms and cold weather and came East to the harsh winters and cold weather in the Eastern snowbelt of Erie, PA. I am sure that she will feel right at home once the snow begins to fly and the temperatures dip down close to zero.
   She is a 19 year old sophomore student majoring in Applied Forensic Science. Kaylyn is on the Autism Spectrum and one of her reasons for choosing Mercyhurst University was the positive environment for autistic students.  She graduated from Bismarck High School where she achieved high academic standing and was named the class Valedictorian. Another reason that Kaylyn chose Mercyhurst University is because of the renowned Forensics program. Her strong educational background and her dedication to her studies has made her transition from highschool to college life much easier, especially for the challenges that the college curriculum presents .
Kaylyn enjoys spending the little free time that she allows herself to have by being an active member of the Tabletop Gaming Club. This is a group that meets every Wednesday evening. Those students involved in the club can pass the time with games like Uno, Dungeons and Dragons, and Scrabble. She is also a member of the Anime Club. The club watches animated Japanese films and series and share their ideas about what they watch. It is through these two groups that I met and got to know Kaylyn quite well.
You wouldn’t suspect it by looking at her photo but she says that she enjoys hunting and the outdoors. She also surprised me by telling me that back home she has 10 backyard chickens. 

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Nathan J. Nitczynski

Nathan Nitczynski is an Academic Counselor at Mercyhurst University. Along with his job as an academic counselor, he is a Dance Instructor at Infinity Dance Academy.

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Nathan attended Mercyhurst Prep for high school. He was an active student at his high school;  he participated in Spanish Club, Bible Study, Show Choir, Dance Company, Theater, and was a member of the International Thespian Society. His passions and extracurricular activities continued when he continued his higher education.

Nathan earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication at Thiel College. He was a member of the Student Government Association, Theater, Musical Theater, Varsity Danceline, and was on the Competitive Dance Team. His highlights at Thiel College consisted of being on the Competitive Dance Team, earning Alpha Psi Omega, Thiel Players, and The Student Government Association (SGA). He went on to pursue his Masters of Science in Education, College Counseling and Student Affairs at Youngstown State University.

Nathan has an impressive job background in the dance field, some of his past jobs in dance
Nathan Nitczynskihave included; he was a Dance Teacher at Kristin's Dance, in 2016. As a Dance Teacher, he instructed dance classes to students among different age groups and skillsets. His focus was on tap, jazz, ballet, and lyrical dance. As he worked as a Dance Teacher, he was a Choreographer at Greenville Area Community Theater. Through this, he would teach dance and movement to cast members of the theatrical productions for this community theater program. From 2016 to 2017, he was a Competition Team Director for AC Dance Company. Through this program, he implemented and designed a curriculum for Dance Team in two different genres of dance. He coordinated competition and convention events with parents of students of the teams. He choreographed routines to be adjusted to regional events. As he was a Competition Team Director for AC Dance Company, he was the Assistant Director at ViBe Dance Academy. As the Assistant Director, he would teach dance to students from age five through adulthood. He would continue to choreograph dance routines in various genres, as he coached competition teams. His main areas of choreography consisted of jazz, ballet, tap, lyrical, pointe, and hip hop. As he works as an Academic Counselor at Mercyhurst, he continues to work as a Dance Instructor at Infinity Dance Academy. He teaches dance to people of any age group.

Image result for mercyhurstNathan has worked as an Academic Counselor at Mercyhurst since March of 2018, and from January 2018 through February 2018, he worked as a graduate intern for The Office of Academic Support and Learning Differences at the University. Before working at Mercyhurst, he worked as a Career Development Graduate Assistant at Hiram College. Through this, he would coordinate undergraduate interns at Hiram College to ensure satisfaction among each internship group. He would meet with several diverse undergraduate students to review their resumes, assist them in writing cover letters, and discuss their career goals. He would plan and execute programming and events for undergraduate students to  engage in their professional development. His past work experience in the field of academia is continuous and impressive for his age.

Image result for mercyhurst ridge collegeNathan's past experiences have set him up to assist students in achieving success in their academics at Mercyhurst University. If students ever need assistance for anything or advice, Nathan is a great person to go to. He works with students in the Ridge College of Intelligence Studies and Applied Sciences, and his willingness to go above and beyond to help anyone he can.

- Isabel C. Merriman

Friday, November 22, 2019

Jihad "Gigi" Karrat

Jihad Karrat, better known as Gigi, is a freshman who is majoring in Integrated Media and Strategic Communications with a minor in Theater. She comes from a unique background and has an interesting story that you may not expect by looking at her.

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Gigi grew up in the Netherlands in the city of Amsterdam. She grew up without a father due to unfortunate circumstances, as it was not healthy to have him around. Her mother and father divorced when she was six months old, and part of it was due to her health and safety. She grew up with her mother and her mother's family, which included her mother, five brothers, and Gigi's maternal grandparents. It was in a small apartment in the Netherlands.

When Gigi was 24, she reunited with her abusive father as his last wish was to see her. She traveled to Morocco to fulfill his last wish to see her as he was on his deathbed. He was suffering from a brain hemorrhage/stroke. She knew this would be the last time she would meet her father; they did not have a real chance to talk as he was close to paralyzed at this point. Through this visit, she was exposed to several family members on her father's side that she never knew existed. She met her half-brothers and sisters and her two stepmothers. She found out one of her stepmothers who had divorced her father, was a Dutch woman who had converted to Islam and continues to live with her father's family in Morocco. Gigi felt that finding her family she had never known about was interesting as they were very similar to her. She feels that these are her true family members. Gigi explained the day after she left to go back home from visiting her father, was the day he passed away. She knew that in the end, she had to put the past aside and allow herself to meet the family she was never exposed to growing up. She is now 30 and has been living in the United States since she got married two years ago.

Gigi has a more complex story that I hope to share in the future as her story is unique. I would highly recommend talking to her and getting to know her better.

- Isabel C. Merriman

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Marina Boyle

Marina Boyle is a junior from Dublin, Ireland, who is majoring in Business and Competitive Intelligence. She is quite involved around campus, as she is apart of several clubs.

Marina was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. She grew up with her mother Fiona, her father Gerry, as well as her older sister and older brother.

Marina has a wide range of campus involvement. She is a Residence Assistance (RA) in the upperclassman living area and is currently the Class of 2021 Senator for Mercyhurst Student Government better known around campus as MSG. On top of that, she is the current Managing Editor for the Merciad and is an Ambassador as well. She tries to do any service work she can fit into her hectic schedule. Marina is involved in a few clubs on top of her extraordinary amount of campus involvement as she is apart of Habitat for Humanity, Irish Club, and the International Student Association. When she has free time, she enjoys walking around and exploring Erie, reading, cooking, and swimming.

Marina has accomplished a lot during her two and a half years at Mercyhurst. She has maintained a high GPA and has received the Jim Mathews Competitive Intelligence Award. As well as the Keystone Press Award for her writing she has done for the Merciad.

Marina has strong plans for her future that will assist her in having in achieving great success. Her career goal is to find a good job doing Competitive Intelligence for a multinational firm. Following
her goal of a job in doing Competitive Intelligence for a multinational firm, she intends to start her own business in the Hospitality and Tourism industry, and eventually, and a start non-profit organization. She hopes to get a job that provides her with an opportunity to travel, so she can continue to explore the world.

- Isabel C. Merriman

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Casey Ball

Casey Ball is a freshman from Warren, Pennsylvania. He is majoring in Psychology and is considering picking up a minor in the future, yet he is uncertain what it will be yet. He has become more social as the semester has gone on.

Casey is currently a member of Psych Club, and he can utilize the club to gain knowledge for a successful future as a Psychologist. This club allows students to listen to speakers who are professionals in this field. This club will assist him in gaining the knowledge that is essential for a successful career. He decided he wanted to major in Psychology in his sophomore year of high school. He found it to be the most interest career path to pursue.

Casey is big in music as he plays a total of five instruments. These include; the guitar, ukulele, the mandolin, drums, and he can sing quite well. He was in a band for about a year. In the Fall of 2018, they did a show for a fundraiser for his classmate who passed away. Through this show, they were able to raise over two thousand dollars. The fundraiser was the last show they did together, and it was the most successful show they had as a band. His band decided to split at that time as their lives became too hectic at that time.

Casey grew up in a unique family dynamic. He has three biological brothers, and his parents were never together. They do not have the same sets of parents. He finds this to be an interesting dynamic to grow up with, as he found it fun to have three older brothers growing up. He was in several bands, and his one brother was in one of those bands. He periodically fills in for his brother's band as he enjoys spending time with him, and he can pursue his love of music.

Casey has a unique background and is quite easy to talk to. He can be shy at times when meeting new people if you have a chance to meet him, I would highly recommend doing so. He is outgoing and is looking to meet fellow members of the Mercyhurst Community.

- Isabel C. Merriman

Friday, November 15, 2019

Evan Hartono

Evan Hartono is a 21 year old senior majoring in Graphic design major born and raised, and currently resides in Jakarta, Indonesia.

There are a number of reasons why he chose Mercyhurst. First of all, he loves the warm and welcoming environment that the campus provides him, and he enjoys the support he can gain from his friends and the staff. The main thing that brought him here was the AIM Program, where anyone can be anything and where he has the opportunity to grow as a person with the courage and strength to pursue the things he loves. Another thing he enjoys about Mercyhurst is the Art Department. There, he has gained the chance to spend a considerable amount of time pursuing a passion that has been dear to his heart. By using different kinds of techniques to create a variety of works of art, he feels that he can showcase his thoughts, emotions, and creativity. Additionally, he greatly appreciates the many wonderful opportunities that Mercyhurst has provided him, since he can’t get these opportunities in any other part of the world. Overall, this has truly been a remarkable experience.

Fun facts about him are that his most favorite animal is the elephant, and had the opportunity to not just interact with them but also bathe them at the Mason Elephant Park in Bali, Indonesia. Another fun fact about me is that my talent in art was inspired by Disney’s The Lion King (something I have been obsessed with for more than 10 years). Every time I see both the live-action and animated versions, I always feel amazed and inspired (mainly by the animation/visuals and colors of the animals and environments) to come up with fresh ideas for my paintings and drawings during my spare time, especially back in Jakarta. He is also a member of two clubs on campus: The ISA (International Students Association) Club and Art Therapy Club.

Something unexpected about him is that he has been helping a local organization back in Jakarta, where my paintings have been turned into different kinds of items such as postcards, bags, and T-shirts. This was made for charity purposes to help special needs children and their families in Jakarta.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Elizabeth Rathburn

Elizabeth Rathburn is a 22 year-old graduate student at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania.  She has been working as a graduate assistant in the Study Abroad Office while pursuing a graduate degree in Organizational Leadership. In 2019, Elizabeth was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree in both Music and Communication from Mercyhurst University and is very happy to have the opportunity to continue her studies at Mercyhurst.
Her choosing Mercyhurst University was based on several reasons, not the least of which is that she is a native Erieite and feels right at home living on campus in spite of the snow that comes every winter and covers everything in sight. The University offered her the courses of study that she wanted as well as the flexibility in scheduling and support that she needed.  Her decision was finalized when Mercyhurst offered her the opportunity to earn a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership through their 4+1 program allowing her to achieve this goal in only 5 years instead of the usual 6 years that it takes through traditional programs at other schools. She is thrilled to be here saying, “I am so happy to spend a fifth year on this beautiful campus!”
Although she didn’t play any sports, her spare time was taken up with playing the oboe. She has worked hard at learning to play this very difficult instrument and has experienced many hours of enjoyment with it.
Interestingly, Elizabeth has recently taken on the demanding task of writing a book. It is about entrepreneurship and creative fulfillment. Although publishing a book is not someone usually thinks about at this early stage in life, she is confident that her educational background and experiences at Mercyhurst University have given her the means to be successful in this endeavor.

Jacob Chichester

Jacob Chichester is a second year graduate student at Mercyhurst University located in Erie, Pennsylvania. Originally from Livonia, New York, Jacob was drawn to Mercyhurst as a result of the strong program in Criminal Justice that the University offers. Jacob made a point of saying that the beautiful campus was also a big factor in his decision to choose Mercyhurst.
Jacob graduated from Mercyhurst University in May of 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Law Enforcement. In July of 2018, he received his Act 120 Certification from the Mercyhurst North East Municipal PoliceAcademy. Now, at age 23, Jacob is a second year graduate student in the Criminal Justice Program.
Along with his studies, Jacob is Hall Director for Residence Life and Student Conduct (Police Academy experience must come in handy here). He resides in Warde Hall where he oversees the coed residence hall, supervising a staff of 8 RA’s and a building with over 300 students.
Jacob loves the outdoors. During his undergraduate years at Mercyhurst, he ran Cross Country for the school from 2014-2017. In fact, another reason that he chose Mercyhurst is the great Cross Country coaching staff that they have. Running isn’t the only outdoor activity that Jacob enjoys. He also likes to spend time hunting, hiking, and golfing.
Some interesting facts that Jacob shared had to do with his studies abroad. As an undergraduate he had the opportunity to study both in Dungarven, Ireland and Rome, Italy. The experience was fun and educational. Last and definitely not least, Jacob said that he is engaged to be married. He has known his fiancé since the age of 3 years old. They met at pre-school and apparently hit it off and never looked back. This gives a new meaning to the term, childhood sweethearts.

Darby Shafron

Darby Shafron is a sophomore from Cleveland, Ohio. She is majoring in Public Health with a minor in Theater. She is a member of several clubs on campus.

Darby is setting herself up for a successful future, as she is finding ways to develop skills for both her major and her minor. She is a member of the Sustainability Club, as it will help prepare her for a successful future in the Public Health field. Darby can utilize this club to develop knowledge in the Sustainability area of Public Health. She is setting herself up for success in her Theater minor by being an active member of both the Theater Club and Modern Cinema Club. The Theater Club provides Darby with regular experiences in Theater. Through the Modern Cinema Club, she can stay up to date with the latest movies. By having the opportunity to stay up to date with movies, it will help her write and learn about the newest media out and use that for success in Theater.

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A play she worked on this year

Darby has made accomplishments in Theater, as she is currently the Production Stage Manager of the Mercyhurst Theater Production. This position is a significant accomplishment, as it is not an easy thing to accomplish. Darby has worked hard over the years to move up and gain skills that are essential for a successful career in Theater. She has taken advantage of the opportunities she has been presented with.

Darby has figured out what she plans to do after she graduates with her Public Health degree. She plans to go to Medical school after graduation to pursue a career as either a General Pediatric Surgeon or as a Sexual Health Educator.

Darby grew up in a loving family that helped her become the person she is today. She grew up with her parents and her two brothers--She has an older brother named Robyn and a younger brother named Spencer. Her family has helped her achieve the success she has today, through their love and support over the years. In her free time, she enjoys hanging out and watching with friends. She enjoys taking time to relax through, reading, baking, and listening to music.

Darby is someone you can tell is hardworking and passionate about anything she does. She works hard for what she wants to achieve.

- Isabel C. Merriman 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

June Durkee

June, a 20-year-old student at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania is in her third year of studies as a Hospitality Management major with a concentration in Events.
Born in Hunan,China, June was adopted by a family living in Silver Springs, Maryland and currently lives in Takoma Park, Maryland. Her elementary and secondary education was unique in that she attended The Lab School of Washington, a private school that centers on helping students with learning difference. June enjoys sports and competed in volleyball, basketball, and tennis.
As a result of much research, June’s parents are actually the ones that suggested she attend Mercyhurst University. They felt that the AIM (Autism Initiative at Mercyhurst) Program for students with learning differences would be worth investigating. After visiting the campus and meeting with Brad McGarry, the director of the program, June applied for the 3-week CREATE Program to gain some campus experience and determine if she was ready for college experience. June is convinced that if they did not discover the AIM program she seriously doubts as to whether she would become successful at other colleges that do not have the extensive academic and social support that Mercyhurst offers.
After some prodding, June shared some interesting information about herself that she usually keeps to herself. Her spirit animal is the dolphin and she had gotten to experience swimming with them a few years back in Key West, Florida. She is obsessed with actor and singer, Hugh Jackman, whom she loved in the “The Greatest Showman” and “Les Miserables”. June also revealed that one of her hidden talents is that she is a dancer. She primarily enjoys contra or square dancing. She and her family attended a folk dance camp called Terpsichore and they would celebrate and they would ring in the New Year with dance.
I have known June for almost three years and I did not realize what an interesting person she is. I find it refreshing to know someone with these many talents and such a positive view on life.

William Alexander Shick

William Alexander Shick, better known as Alex Shick, is a Sophomore from Hornell, New York. He is majoring in Criminal Justice and is a semi-active member of the Mercyhurst Community.

Alex is majoring in Criminal Justice as his career goal is to become a Defense Attorney. He is a member of the Criminal Justice Association, a club on campus, as it will help prepare him for a successful future in the legal field.

Alex is a member of the Mercyhurst Men's Cross Country team. He was on the cross country team in high school as well. Through his training in cross country, he was able to accomplish his goal of completing a triathlon earlier this year.

In his spare time, Alex enjoys cooking, working out, and catching up on sleep. As well as hanging out and watching movies with his friends, he knows an endless number of films and is always looking for new movies to explore when he is looking for a new movie to watch that night. He is also a massive fan of the television show 'Friends.' He can recall the smallest moments of trivia and has watched every episode roughly ten times each.

Alex grew up with his parents and his two siblings. He has an older sister named Abbie and a younger brother named Joe. He has two dogs back home that he grew up with and, they helped to play a role in shaping him into the person he is today.

His freshman year, he was able to make a solid friend group that he remains close to this day. You can often find him hanging out with them in his free time. Alex is an outgoing spirit with a selective friend group, as he is sometimes shy at first but does not take much time to become quite social once he builds strong bonds with others.

- Isabel C. Merriman

Friday, November 8, 2019

Christa Knipes

Christa Knipes is a Junior from Lebanon, Ohio, and is double majoring in Dance and English and minoring in Psychology. She is involved with several clubs on campus.

Christa did not have your typical upbringing; she started her education through being homeschooled in her rural town, with not much to do. She expressed she was unlike the other students in her hometown that were homeschooled. She knew this form of education was not a good fit for her, as she has a passion for dance.

Christa knew to achieve success in the field of dance; she needed to take a leap of faith. So, in her Junior year of high school, she decided to enroll in Interlochen Arts Academy. She knew boarding school would be different, but with her bubbly personality, she excelled and reached her goal of majoring in dance at the university level.

Christa grew up with her parents, her dog, and her older brother Connor who was homeschooled with her from a young age. She believes her family has been vital in achieving the success she has today, as they have been both supportive and inspiring as she took steps to reach her goal of pursuing dance at a higher level. She jokes that her family is like a real-life sitcom. The laughs and love her family has provided her throughout her life, has helped her stay grounded and be her true self.

Hurst Day 2019, Christa is on the far right. 

After graduation, Christa has several goals in mind. She plans to receive a Master's in Secondary Education and intends to become a professional ballet dancer for as long as she can. She also hopes to utilize her degree to teach English to middle schoolers and high schoolers.

Christa is active in several clubs on campus and has very little free time between her involvement on campus and her studies. She is in Dance Club, Phi Chi, Phi Eta Sigma, and NHSDA. Christa is currently the Co-President of Dance Outreach as she has limited time to herself, from her studies clubs, and her job on campus. She utilizes her free time for catching up on sleep, reading, writing, and having sarcastic conversations with her friends.

She prides herself in reading the entire Harry Potter series out loud to her dog when she was in elementary school. Her passion for reading at a young age has helped her excel as an English major, as she picked up on grammatical structures at a young age from the extensive reading she would do in her spare time. 

Christa is a student who is always on the move. If you are lucky enough to have a class with her or find her in her free time, I would suggest taking the opportunity to have a conversation with her.  You will be able to meet someone who has a unique background and has continued to work her way to the top while redefining the odds.

- Isabel C. Merriman

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Jenny Sabliov

Jenny Sabliov

Jenny Sabliov is both a student and a member of the staff at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio Jenny serves on the staff of Mercyhurst University as an Office Assistant for the office of Residence Life. She also works for the Mercyhurst Institute of Arts and Culture as a House Manager.
Her educational background is quite extensive. In 2018 she received two degrees from Mercyhurst University. Her double major led to a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Forensic Anthropology. She is currently enrolled a Post-Baccalaureate certificate program in the Pre-Health Sciences at Mercyhurst.
Her choice of Mercyhurst University is a result of extensive research aimed at finding the best institution that offers a solid education in the Forensic Sciences. The beauty of the campus and the welcoming atmosphere of a Catholic institution added to the reasons for choosing Mercyhurst University.
Jenny’s family is from Romania and she is the first person out of her entire family to be born in America. With her family speaking Romanian around the house, her first language is not English but Romanian. She learned English primarily by going to school in Cleveland. Music is very important to her. She has played the violin for 14 years and finds it to be most relaxing.
She someday hopes to become a doctor and work within the Medico-Legal system.

Amanda Mulder

Amanda Mulder is a 34 year old full-time student at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania. She is from Butler, Pennsylvania, a small ...