Thursday, September 26, 2019

Will Zytnick

Will Zytnick is a freshman majoring in Sports Business Management and considering Communications as a minor. He is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is involved with The Merciad covering athletics on campus, as it correlates with his major.

Will played tennis in high school and fell in love with sports at the age of four. He is passionate about any Pittsburgh sports team. His dream job is to work with a Professional Sports team in the Pittsburgh area. Therefore, he chose to go into Sports Business Management and a possible Communication minor. He believes these areas of study will guide him closer to achieving his dream.

Pittsburgh sports have played a significant role in man aspects of his life. They have helped him get through some tough times in his life. If you came up to will and asked him about specifically the Penguins and Steelers, he would give you the complete rundown of the history of the franchises.  He can memorize most topics in life, especially pro-sports.

Will wanted to play tennis in college, but unfortunately, it was in his best interest. Through his major and Merciad, he can still find ways to participate in these activities with those close to him. Some activities he enjoys tennis, running, basketball, and he is discovering more.

Will believes his family plays an essential role in who he is today. He has a twin brother named Zach, who attends the University of Miami, Florida. He also has a younger brother named Matthew, who is a junior in high school. His father is named Jay and works in Real Estate, and his mother Kim is a former small business owner of a cleaning company in his hometown. He believes that his mother's entrepreneurial background played a role in going into business.

Will is a very outgoing and friendly person who is always looking to connect with new people. He can found at any Mercyhurst sporting event and covering it for The Merciad. If ever you have the opportunity to meet Will, take some time, and get to know him better.

- Isabel C. Merriman

Monday, September 23, 2019

Jieny Dour

Jieny Dour is a senior majoring in Political Science with a concentration in international relations and minoring in Pre-law and Sociology. Jieny was born in South Sudan but grew up in Buffalo, New York. Jieny runs the club Afrobeats, teaching dance to other students. She ran on the Cross Country team from her freshman through her junior year.

Jieny and her family came to the United States in 2000; as a result, to escape the war in Sudan. She is the second youngest of seven children, and she and her family are still close to their African roots and culture. She founded Afrobeats as a way to connect her culture to Mercyhurst. The club teaches dances from different cultures, helping bridge the gap for students wanting to learn about different genres of music and ethnicities.

Jieny did not run in high school; she played basketball. She wanted to remain active, so she decided to join the Cross Country team. Her senior year, she chose not to continue to run so that she could focus on her academics. She still socializes with her former teammates and finds ways to stay active.

Before Mercyhurst, Jieny attended a trade school, receiving a degree in criminal justice. While going to school as a student-athlete and trade school, Jieny also helped her mother with the daily chores around the house. Her culture values respect and hospitality, so Jieny was taught to be respectful and courteous to guests and anyone she meets. Jieny's culture also valued Earth, and this led to Jieny's become an environmentalist. As an environmentalist, Jieny advocates for the protection of Earth and animals, she's still an advocate for Mother Earth. She fights for the protection and preservation of the Earth and all its living creatures.

As well as being an environmentalist, Jieny is also a humanitarian and hopes to incorporate it into her career. Jieny wishes to use her degree as a way to help those less fortunate and push for equality. Jieny isn't afraid to fight for what she believes is right because her mother told her always to be proud of what she stands for.

- Isabel C. Merriman

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Leya Belnavis

Leya Belnavis is a senior from Kingston, Jamaica majoring in Psychology with a minor in Criminology. She is involved with several clubs on campus, including Psych Club and Afrobeats.

She is a massive Harry Styles fan and has seen him in concert once, and she plans to attend more concerts. Not only does she love Harry Styles, but she also enjoys music in general, especially the musician Halsey. She will often sing along to any music that she listens to; she grew up singing and playing the piano.

She is addicted to coffee, and she drinks at least two cups a day, usually more. She also enjoys tea as well; she grew up putting milk in her tea. She also loves french fries with a dying passion, ginger ale, and any form of sweets.

Leya also enjoys animals, especially pets like dogs, and cats and cannot watch a movie when an animal is harmed most slightly. She will refuse to watch a film or scene if it has anything to do with harming animals.

She is also very family-oriented, she contacts her family daily back in Jamacia, the states, and in England. Leya is the youngest of three siblings, but she only recognizes two of her siblings. Her sister named Jordan or Jordy is married with a child living in Atlanta, Georgia. Her brother Jared and his girlfriend live in Aylesbury, England.

Leya wants to get her masters in counseling because she likes to listen to people's problems and offer advice. In high school, her classmates would often go to her for her guidance. So, she found a calling for pursuing phycology as a career.

- Isabel C. Merriman

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Isabel C. Merriman

My name is Isabel Merriman, and I am a sophomore from Cleveland, Ohio. I am majoring in Integrated Media and Strategic Communication, and I am one of the two students running this blog for the semester. I chose Mercyhurst for several reasons. One of the main reasons was the Learning Differences program. I felt I would be set up for success not only for my time at Mercyhurst but in the work world as well.

I loved the size of the University and its values. My career goal is to give back to people with special needs of any form, by creating more jobs, pathways, and opportunities for those who face challenges. I grew up with a brother who has cognitive special needs; it isn't always easy being an older sister to your older brother. When I was in the fifth grade, I was taking a typing class, but I couldn't keep up due to my learning differences. So, I started volunteering in the multi-handicap room and did that until I graduated high school.

During the last month of my senior year, I did my senior project at MCPc. MCPc is the Cyber Security company partnered with Mercyhurst.  During my time there, I interviewed corporate executives of many tech companies. I brought awareness to the apps and software that have helped people on the spectrum excel as well as different opportunities that could be implemented at those companies for those who face different challenges.

At the end of my freshman year, I got cut from the rowing team, and I brought up creating a more inclusive relationship between athletics and the AIM program. The idea will have a few pilot programs this coming year.

I am looking forward to posting bios about others around campus, so we can get to know one another better. It is common to walk past someone or talk to someone yet know little to nothing about that person. The goal of this blog is to help us get to know one another around campus.

- Isabel C. Merriman

Amanda Mulder

Amanda Mulder is a 34 year old full-time student at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania. She is from Butler, Pennsylvania, a small ...